Roof Defects

Architect & Design Law | July 11, 2016
Moving into a new home or building should be exciting, but architectural defects cause the excitement of relocating to be short-lived far too often. A common architectural defect includes roofing defects, whic…
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By Justin D. Riem

How Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income Can Affect Child Support

Articles written by Our Attorneys | March 28, 2019
According to the Iowa Child Support Guidelines, child support will be set using the parents’ net monthly incomes, among other factors. Often, the parties will dispute how to calculate the other’s income; typically arguing their personal income is…
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By Justin D. Riem

How do I establish, contest, or disestablish paternity?

Articles written by Our Attorneys | April 4, 2019
Becoming a parent can be a life changing experience. Whether you are married or single, the mother or father, or an alleged father, the concept of paternity is a vast and important aspect of family law. Definitions First, you should know s…
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By Justin D. Riem

What is the process for getting a name change?

Articles written by Our Attorneys | April 9, 2019
Whether it is for you or your child, in order to get a name changed, you will need to obtain a court order. Name changes can be granted as part of divorce proceedings, but only for the soon-to-be ex-spouses, not for their children. Outside of divorce…
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By Justin D. Riem

What is Domestic Abuse?

Articles written by Our Attorneys | April 15, 2019
“Domestic abuse†is a rather general term, which, hopefully, you may never need to know or experience. However, if you are a victim or an alleged abuser, this brief article should give you a basic rundown of Iowa’s domestic abuse statute, how i…
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By Justin D. Riem

What Happens to Custody and Visitation when a Parent Moves?

Articles written by Our Attorneys | April 18, 2019
An issue frequently arises when parties have a minor child together and one parent wants to relocate with the minor child. For purposes of this article, the motives behind the relocation will not be discussed, although they can play an important part…
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Understanding Iowa Auto Dealer Law

Auto Dealer Compliance | September 8, 2015
Auto dealer law is a complicated set of laws that varies from state to state and serves to outline the regulations and qualifications that a car dealership must possess. From understanding car titles to …
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Auto Dealer Franchise Acquisitions

Auto Dealer Compliance | October 23, 2015
Franchise acquisitions give business owners the opportunity to run a business under a structure that has already found success in the market. In the competitive market of automobiles, an automotive dealer may benefit from diversifying their franchise…
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Encino Motor Cars

Auto Dealer Compliance | June 29, 2016
U.S. Supreme Court Looks at Service Advisor Overtime Pay The recent Supreme Court decision in Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro is a major victory for dealerships in the battle with the Department of Labor on overtime pay to service a…
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Auto Dealer Compliance | June 29, 2016
In early May, the New York Court of Appeals ruled in Beck Chevrolet v. General Motors that GM’s Retail Sales Index (RSI) was unlawful according to New York’s Motor Vehicle Dealer Act. This ruling is the culmination of a dispute between Bec…
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Selling Out of Trust

Auto Dealer Compliance | June 29, 2016
In Iowa, when a dealership sells vehicles “out of trust†(SoT), it may subject the violator to criminal and/or civil litigation, loss of dealer license, and up to 20 years in federal prison (18 U.S.C. § 1963). Let’s follow Dealer X through the…
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Selling Used Vehicles Without Warranty Worries

Auto Dealer Compliance | June 29, 2016
If you are selling a used vehicle “as is,†take steps to ensure that it doesn’t come back to haunt you. If you are providing limited warranties or service contracts, you need to be aware of the types of warranties that apply, and how to effecti…
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Selling Part or All of Your Dealership

Auto Dealer Compliance | January 3, 2019
Operating a dealership places numerous demands on a dealer, whether addressing issues requiring immediate attention or reviewing the annual operations to improve efficiency. The constant requirements placed on owner/operator…
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Salesperson Compensation – Is it time to review your pay plans?

Auto Dealer Compliance | June 14, 2019
Plaintiffs brought three interesting cases last year against automobile dealers and dealer groups regarding salespersons’ commissions and pay plans. These suits highlight the need for automobile dealers to:Have clearly written pay pla…
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Alteration of a Dealer’s Market Area (“Communityâ€)

Auto Dealer Compliance | September 29, 2020
New motor vehicle dealers in Iowa periodically receive notices from manufacturers telling the dealer that the manufacturer has decided to alter the dealer’s protected sales area. Different manufacturers refer to this area by different names. For ex…
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Benefits of Limited Liability Companies

Business and Corporate Law | October 17, 2013
At Arenson Law Group, PC, we know that forming a new business in Cedar Rapids requires consideration of a substantial number of different factors. One of the most important of these considerations is the structure that the new company will take. Depending on t…
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Sole Proprietorship

Business and Corporate Law | November 22, 2013
A sole proprietorship is one of several possible business models that our lawyers at Arenson Law Group, PC know you might be considering when forming your business in Cedar Rapids. As with any other type of business, there are many different r…
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Basics of Creating a Contract

Business and Corporate Law | November 25, 2013
From small businesses to large ones and non-profits to for profit companies, every business relies on the creation of contracts. Contracts establish relationships between those people who are involved in a business, such as employees and employers, o…
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Understanding the Basics of Corporate Law

Business and Corporate Law | January 6, 2014
Because corporations operate and are regulated under a unique set of laws and structures, the legal matters that corporate managers must deal with, both in the daily operations of the business and emergency situations, will also be unique to these ty…
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Organizing Your Business

Business and Corporate Law | February 5, 2014
When it comes to starting a business, two of the most important aspects to consider are what business structure you should use and how to organize your daily operations. The latter can la…
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Forming a Professional Clinic

Business and Corporate Law | November 24, 2014
There is a constant demand for professional clinics in Cedar Rapids. The city needs dentists, chiropractors, physical therapists, optometrists, chiropractors and many more healthcare professionals to keep our community healthy. When a healthcare prof…
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How a Business Lawyer Can Help with Due Diligence

Business and Corporate Law | March 30, 2015
Due diligence is a business term referring to the research required before entering into a contract with another business or acquiring additional business. Due diligence is performed in the interest of discovering any outstanding debts or other risks…
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Understanding Breach of Contract

Business and Corporate Law | July 13, 2015
Breach of contract is a serious matter that occurs when a legally binding agreement between two or more parties is broken. Furthermore, breach of contract constitutes any situation in which a party fails to perform an agreed upon term of a contract â…
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Understanding Employment Agreements

Business and Corporate Law | July 24, 2015
As an employer, it is important that you have a thorough understanding of employee agreements. An employee agreement is a legally binding document that is designed to offer mutual prot…
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Mergers and Acquisitions

Business and Corporate Law | October 23, 2015
During mergers and acquisitions, businesses go through an exciting reconstruction period. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, your business transactions are important to your continuing success. As such, hiring a
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Liability in a Construction Lawsuit

Construction Law | August 15, 2016
When most people find a design flaw in the architecture of a piece of property, they immediately blame the architect; in reality, a construction defect can happen in many other times during construction and must be investigated thoroughly. When there…
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Contested v. Uncontested Divorce

Divorce and Family Law | February 14, 2014
Divorce is fairly common in the United States, with over half of marriages ending in divorce. When a couple decides that divorce is the best path for them, they have several different options for the type of div…
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Alternative Divorce Options

Divorce and Family Law | June 5, 2014
If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, then you have probably heard of uncontested and contested divorce. However, there are alternatives to these traditional forms of divorce, and becoming knowledgeable about other option…
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Understanding Mediated Divorce

Divorce and Family Law | June 5, 2014
In mediated divorces, couples utilize the services of a neutral, court-appointed mediator to help negotiate every aspect of their divorce agreement. Many couples choose to pursue mediated divorce in an effort to both expedite the pro…
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Pros Of A Prenuptial Agreement

Divorce and Family Law | October 17, 2014
Before you walk down the aisle, putting all your financial cards on the table beforehand can be a very positive experience for a marriage. Sure, it’s not the most romantic gesture before a wedding to sign a prenupti…
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Grandparents’ Visitation Rights

Divorce and Family Law | October 20, 2014
Grandparents are special people in many children’s lives. When parents decide to divorce or separate, grandparents can often be kept from being able to see their grandchildren. Fortunately, in Iowa, grandparents can be granted the explicit legal ri…
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Child Support Litigation

Divorce and Family Law | November 7, 2014
While you may have done everything you possibly could to support your family, your personal and financial circumstances or those of your former partner are likely to have changed since the original child support…
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Making Changes to Child Support

Divorce and Family Law | December 22, 2014
When child support agreements are signed at the time of divorce, they are typically representative of each parent’s financial circumstances at the time. However, as time passes the financial circumstances of both parents is more than likely to chan…
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The Challenges Associated with Paternity Cases

Divorce and Family Law | March 23, 2015
When dealing with a child with unmarried parents, paternity must be officially established – usually through a DNA test. However, even after the legal paternity is determined, there are a number of complications that will need to be settled. Determ…
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Substance Abuse and Child Custody

Divorce and Family Law | April 28, 2015
In a child custody case, any substance abuse problems for either parent can be a major deciding factor in the proceedings. The excessive use of drugs and alcohol can result in erratic behavior a…
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Child Custody and New Relationships

Divorce and Family Law | June 1, 2015
Divorces can be hard, and divorces involving children can be especially difficult. What many individuals tend to forget while locked in the heat of a nasty contested divorce, is that the goal of separating from your ex is to allow you the opportunity…
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Estate Planning for Singles

Estate Planning | June 16, 2014
Most people think of estate planning as a practice exclusive to the married and the wealthy. However, this is not the case; estate planning is offered to all adults and can bring peace of mind to loved o…
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How to Deal with Boundary Disputes

Real Estate | May 27, 2015
Boundary disputes strain the precarious relationships between neighbors, often creating hostile environments right outside your front door. One of the most common causes of boundary disputes between neighbors is when one party undertakes major proper…
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Why You Need Real Estate Lawyer

Real Estate | May 19, 2016
Buying or selling a home is a major transaction. The entire process is costly, with unexpected fees and expenses occurring far too often. Real estate transactions and the accompanying paperwork can be confus…
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Helpful Tips to Prepare for Your Next Commercial Lease

Real Estate | January 11, 2017
Signing a new commercial lease can be an exciting time for any growing company. This new location can be the home of a company for many years and can be the place that professional dreams come true. However, without adequate preparation before signin…
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Understanding Mediated Divorce

Written by Alexandra Doner | June 5, 2014
In mediated divorces, couples utilize the services of a neutral, court-appointed mediator to help negotiate every aspect of their divorce agreement. Many couples choose to pursue mediated divorce in an effort to both expedite the pro…
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Pros Of A Prenuptial Agreement

Written by Alexandra Doner | October 17, 2014
Before you walk down the aisle, putting all your financial cards on the table beforehand can be a very positive experience for a marriage. Sure, it’s not the most romantic gesture before a wedding to sign a prenupti…
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Child Support Litigation

Written by Alexandra Doner | November 7, 2014
While you may have done everything you possibly could to support your family, your personal and financial circumstances or those of your former partner are likely to have changed since the original child support…
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Making Changes to Child Support

Written by Alexandra Doner | December 22, 2014
When child support agreements are signed at the time of divorce, they are typically representative of each parent’s financial circumstances at the time. However, as time passes the financial circumstances of both parents is more than likely to chan…
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The Challenges Associated with Paternity Cases

Written by Alexandra Doner | March 23, 2015
When dealing with a child with unmarried parents, paternity must be officially established – usually through a DNA test. However, even after the legal paternity is determined, there are a number of complications that will need to be settled. Determ…
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Substance Abuse and Child Custody

Written by Alexandra Doner | April 28, 2015
In a child custody case, any substance abuse problems for either parent can be a major deciding factor in the proceedings. The excessive use of drugs and alcohol can result in erratic behavior a…
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Private vs. Public Agency Adoptions

Written by Alexandra Doner | August 21, 2015
The decision to adopt a child is a life-altering choice that brings immense joy to a child and his or her new parents. Adoption offers an option to individuals and couples who want to grow their families by bringing a child without parents into their…
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Working Through Matters of Family Law

Written by Alexandra Doner | December 8, 2015
The legal processes associated with just about any aspect of family law can be quite difficult to work through on your own, let alone understand. As such, these legal matters should be handled by an experienced …
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Understanding Show Cause Cases

Written by Alexandra Doner | August 3, 2016
A contempt case, otherwise known as an application for rule to show cause, is an opportunity to explain yourself if you are accused of violating the terms of a legally binding divorce agreement. A divo…
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Seeking Relief from Domestic Abuse

Written by Alexandra Doner | November 6, 2019
Being a victim of domestic abuse can leave you feeling scared and helpless and can put you and possibly your children into a dangerous and very harmful situation. If you are the victim of domestic abuse, Iowa law affords you avenues of relief to seek…
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Sole Proprietorship

Written by James Radig | November 22, 2013
A sole proprietorship is one of several possible business models that our lawyers at Arenson Law Group, PC know you might be considering when forming your business in Cedar Rapids. As with any other type of business, there are many different r…
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Understanding the Basics of Corporate Law

Written by James Radig | January 6, 2014
Because corporations operate and are regulated under a unique set of laws and structures, the legal matters that corporate managers must deal with, both in the daily operations of the business and emergency situations, will also be unique to these ty…
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Organizing Your Business

Written by James Radig | February 5, 2014
When it comes to starting a business, two of the most important aspects to consider are what business structure you should use and how to organize your daily operations. The latter can la…
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Estate Planning for Singles

Written by James Radig | June 16, 2014
Most people think of estate planning as a practice exclusive to the married and the wealthy. However, this is not the case; estate planning is offered to all adults and can bring peace of mind to loved o…
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Forming a Professional Clinic

Written by James Radig | November 24, 2014
There is a constant demand for professional clinics in Cedar Rapids. The city needs dentists, chiropractors, physical therapists, optometrists, chiropractors and many more healthcare professionals to keep our community healthy. When a healthcare prof…
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How to Deal with Boundary Disputes

Written by James Radig | May 27, 2015
Boundary disputes strain the precarious relationships between neighbors, often creating hostile environments right outside your front door. One of the most common causes of boundary disputes between neighbors is when one party undertakes major proper…
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Why You Need Real Estate Lawyer

Written by James Radig | May 19, 2016
Buying or selling a home is a major transaction. The entire process is costly, with unexpected fees and expenses occurring far too often. Real estate transactions and the accompanying paperwork can be confus…
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Working with a Business Law Attorney

Written by James Radig | June 22, 2016
In order to conduct a successful business in today’s economy, your business will need to be aware of and work within a variety of highly complex business laws just to be competitive in the marketplace. Bearing that in mind, you should consider work…
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Is Iowa A Bad Place To Die?

Written by James Radig | March 15, 2024
Do death taxes make Iowa a bad place to die? You might think so if you saw a recent Wall Street Journal piece called “States Yo…
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Benefits of Limited Liability Companies

Written by John Hofmeyer | October 17, 2013
At Arenson Law Group, PC, we know that forming a new business in Cedar Rapids requires consideration of a substantial number of different factors. One of the most important of these considerations is the structure that the new company will take. Depending on t…
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Basics of Creating a Contract

Written by John Hofmeyer | November 25, 2013
From small businesses to large ones and non-profits to for profit companies, every business relies on the creation of contracts. Contracts establish relationships between those people who are involved in a business, such as employees and employers, o…
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How a Business Lawyer Can Help with Due Diligence

Written by John Hofmeyer | March 30, 2015
Due diligence is a business term referring to the research required before entering into a contract with another business or acquiring additional business. Due diligence is performed in the interest of discovering any outstanding debts or other risks…
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Understanding Breach of Contract

Written by John Hofmeyer | July 13, 2015
Breach of contract is a serious matter that occurs when a legally binding agreement between two or more parties is broken. Furthermore, breach of contract constitutes any situation in which a party fails to perform an agreed upon term of a contract â…
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Understanding Employment Agreements

Written by John Hofmeyer | July 24, 2015
As an employer, it is important that you have a thorough understanding of employee agreements. An employee agreement is a legally binding document that is designed to offer mutual prot…
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Mergers and Acquisitions

Written by John Hofmeyer | October 23, 2015
During mergers and acquisitions, businesses go through an exciting reconstruction period. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, your business transactions are important to your continuing success. As such, hiring a
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Roof Defects

Written by John Hofmeyer | July 11, 2016
Moving into a new home or building should be exciting, but architectural defects cause the excitement of relocating to be short-lived far too often. A common architectural defect includes roofing defects, whic…
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Understanding Non-Compete Agreements

Written by John Hofmeyer | August 10, 2016
Non-Compete agreements are designed to protect the interests of a company. Many companies require that employees sign such documents upon hire. Signing a non-compete usually means employees agree not to start a competing business or work for a compet…
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Liability in a Construction Lawsuit

Written by John Hofmeyer | August 15, 2016
When most people find a design flaw in the architecture of a piece of property, they immediately blame the architect; in reality, a construction defect can happen in many other times during construction and must be investigated thoroughly. When there…
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Helpful Tips to Prepare for Your Next Commercial Lease

Written by John Hofmeyer | January 11, 2017
Signing a new commercial lease can be an exciting time for any growing company. This new location can be the home of a company for many years and can be the place that professional dreams come true. However, without adequate preparation before signin…
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Contested v. Uncontested Divorce

Written by Justin Riem | February 14, 2014
Divorce is fairly common in the United States, with over half of marriages ending in divorce. When a couple decides that divorce is the best path for them, they have several different options for the type of div…
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Alternative Divorce Options

Written by Justin Riem | June 5, 2014
If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, then you have probably heard of uncontested and contested divorce. However, there are alternatives to these traditional forms of divorce, and becoming knowledgeable about other option…
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Grandparents’ Visitation Rights

Written by Justin Riem | October 20, 2014
Grandparents are special people in many children’s lives. When parents decide to divorce or separate, grandparents can often be kept from being able to see their grandchildren. Fortunately, in Iowa, grandparents can be granted the explicit legal ri…
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Child Custody and New Relationships

Written by Justin Riem | June 1, 2015
Divorces can be hard, and divorces involving children can be especially difficult. What many individuals tend to forget while locked in the heat of a nasty contested divorce, is that the goal of separating from your ex is to allow you the opportunity…
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Establishing Child Support

Written by Justin Riem | August 5, 2015
In Iowa, it is the responsibility of the parent without physical custody to pay child support. These payments last until the child is 18 years of age unless a court declares otherwise. There are…
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Alimony Arrangements

Written by Justin Riem | October 12, 2015
During the course of arranging a divorce settlement, you will have to make a number of additional agreements with your ex-spouse such as child support, child custody, and alimony. Alimony is a financial tool for…
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Forms of Domestic Violence

Written by Justin Riem | January 7, 2016
Domestic violence is defined as any violent or aggressive behavior within the home, usually between partners or spouses whose once peaceful relationship has turned violent. Domestic violence is a serious event that has the potential to hurt a spouse …
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Child Support after Remarriage

Written by Justin Riem | July 27, 2016
Divorced spouses often determine child support before either has remarried. Typically, remarriage does not change child support or visitation rights. However, no arrangement is permanent, and so…
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Divorce Versus Legal Separation

Written by Justin Riem | May 30, 2017
The American Psychological Association reports that between 40% and 50% of marriages end in divorce—a well-known statistic. In some cases, people may not know there are other options. One of these possible alt…
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3 Ways to Establish Paternity in Child Custody and Support Cases

Written by Justin Riem | June 21, 2017
Child custody and child support cases are among the most difficult in family law because the future and well-being of children are involved. Parents want what is best for their children and try to see them as much as possible under the circumstances….
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